Monday 9 May 2016

A Mothers Intuition

A mothers intuition is the nudging of The Holy Spirit. 

On mothers day and the whole week leading up to it I was filled with overflowing emotion. It could be the pregnancy hormones or it could simply be my mothers heart. I don't know if my heart has grown since I became a mom but I would say it loves bigger because it breaks easier. Life has become more valuable and the blessings I have carry more weight. Through motherhood, God has broken my heart but I believe He has a purpose. Sometimes I wonder if I am crazy for thinking certain things but after praying through them I realize God is using my heart and mind to share His unfathomable love with the world and I believe He uses all mothers for this work.

We mothers have a unique perspective on life. Our strength comes from the love in our hearts for our children but it's not just our children that need this love, our world is in desperate need of our mothering love. An unconditional love that can only come from a mother, is the love our world needs. So next time you feel like something inside you is calling you to take action, send a note or simply give someone a hug, don't resist, it's God using your mothering heart for His amazing work.

Thank you Lord for making me a mother and every bit of joy and pain that comes with this role, Amen! 

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